여러분 삶을 행복하게 하는 것은 무엇인가요? LG전자의 브랜드 슬로건인 “Life’s Good”은 ‘고객의 삶을 행복하게 만든다’는 의미인데요. LG전자가 세계 최대 IT∙가전박람회 ‘CES 2023(1월 5~8일, 미국 라스베이거스)’에서 이야기하고자 하는 주제이기도 합니다.

지난 3년 동안 우리 라이프스타일은 많이 변화했습니다. LG전자는 ‘고객들에게 답이 있다’는 믿음을 확인하는 시간이라며 도전을 멈추지 않았는데요. 모든 혁신이 고객으로부터 시작되고 끝나는 한 세상을 미소 짓게 할 수 있다는 LG전자의 믿음 “Life’s Good”- 현지시간 4일 글로벌 프레스 컨퍼런스 ‘LG 월드 프리미어(LG World PREMIER)’에서 LG전자가 고객들에게 보여준 ‘더 나은 삶’에 대해 함께 살펴볼까요?
고객의 더 나은 삶을 위한 끊임없는 혁신

‘올레드’, 이젠 우리에게 너무나도 익숙한 단어인데요. LG 올레드 TV는 백라이트 없이 화소 하나하나가 스스로 빛을 내서 색을 실제처럼 생생하게 표현해, 세상에 없던 독보적인 TV 시청 경험을 제공해왔습니다. 2013년 첫 출시 당시 얼마나 혁신적이었는지 느껴지시나요? 올해 10주년을 맞이한 LG 올레드 TV! 더 나은 스크린 라이프를 제공해 줄 다음 10년을 향하고 있습니다.

세계를 선도해온 생활가전 분야에서도 새로운 도전이 이어지고 있는데요. 기분과 취향에 따라 컬러를 바꾸는 LG 디오스 오브제컬렉션 무드업 냉장고는 라이프스타일에 맞춰 끊임없이 진화하며 우리와 함께 하고 있습니다. 이미 사랑받는 제품이라도, 새로운 시도를 하고 기존 한계를 뛰어넘는 카테고리를 만들어 내는 것이 LG전자가 말하는 혁신이죠.

LG전자가 약 10년간 멈추지 않고 흔들림 없이 도전해온 분야가 있습니다. 바로 차량용 부품 솔루션을 개발하는 전장 사업인데요. 집 안 가전 중심이었던 고객 경험의 영역을 차량까지 넓히고 있습니다. 나아가 가전사업으로 축적한 고객 경험과 강점을 차량 충전 기술분야로도 확장하며, 모두가 더 나은 ‘삶의 가치’를 추구할 수 있는 미래 모빌리티 일상을 제공하고자 합니다.

LG전자가 지치지 않고 과감한 도전을 지속해 나가는 비결은 과연 무엇일까요? 그 원동력은 ‘모든 답은 고객에게 있다는 믿음’이었는데요. LG전자는 ‘더 나은 삶(Better Life)’에 기여할 수 있다는 낙관적인 태도와 어떤 상황에서도 담대한 자세로 고객과 함께 답을 찾고자 합니다

그래서 더 나은 일상을 전하기 위한 LG전자의 혁신은 지금도 ‘현재진행형’입니다. 고객이 마주하는 모든 제품∙솔루션에서 LG ThinQ를 비롯해 다양한 스마트 라이프 솔루션을 선보여 왔죠. 나아가 제품∙서비스∙마케팅 등의 분야에서 다양하고 혁신적인 아이디어들을 모아 실험하는 프로젝트인 ‘LG Labs(LG 랩스)’로 또 다른 ‘F.U.N* 경험’을 제공할 예정입니다.
* 최고의(First), 차별화 된(Unique), 세상에 없던(New)

사업영역 또한 새로운 가능성을 찾아 확대해가고 있는데요. 전기차 충전, 디지털 헬스, WebOS(웹OS) 기반의 콘텐츠 서비스는 물론, AI∙6G 등 미래 핵심기술을 위한 투자도 아끼지 않고 있습니다. 이를 위해선 다양한 전략적 파트너와의 협업 또한 빠질 수 없죠. 2020년 말 신설된 북미 이노베이션 센터, LG NOVA는 세계 각국의 스타트업과 분야별 기술∙노하우를 주고받으며 사업을 육성하고 있답니다.

특히 webOS 기반의 콘텐츠와 서비스 성장을 가속화하기 위해, 이날 LG전자는 세계적 기업 파라마운트글로벌(Paramount Global)과의 협업이라는 깜짝 소식을 전했습니다. 무료 콘텐츠 서비스 ‘LG 채널’의 최대 콘텐츠 제공 업체 파라마운트+와의 파트너십을 통해 전 세계 수천 만 명의 고객에게 더욱 새롭고 놀라운 콘텐츠 경험을 전달할 예정입니다.
사람과 지구를 위한 더 나은 삶
세계 가전 업계의 리더이자 책임 있는 글로벌 기업시민으로서 지속 가능한 발전을 이끌어야 할 사회적 책임. 지구 환경과 사람을 최우선으로 한 기술과 노력을 통해 고객을 미소 짓게 한 LG전자의 약속들을 살펴보겠습니다.

‘모두의 더 나은 삶(Better Life for ALL)’은 LG전자만이 아닌 모두의 바람이기도 하죠. 외부 혁신가들도 사람과 지구의 더 나은 미래를 위해 LG전자와 함께 하고 있는데요. CES 2022 LG 월드 프리미어에서 첫 소개된 ‘Life’s Good Award(라이프스굿 어워드)’! 61개국 334개 참가팀들 중 본선 진출 팀들이 발표됐습니다. 모두의 더 나은 삶을 위한 For People 부문, 더 나은 지구의 미래를 위한 For the Planet 부문의 아이디어를 모아, 지속 가능한 삶을 만들기 위한 ‘Life’s Good’ 비전을 함께 실현해 나갈 예정입니다.

1) Better Life Plan 2030

LG전자는 ‘Better Life Plan 2030’을 필두로 친환경 및 접근성 향상을 위한 다양한 활동을 지속하고 있는데요. 지속가능경영보고서 발간은 물론, 다양한 글로벌 기업들과 지속가능성에 대한 고민을 나누고 있죠. 제품 기획 단계부터 친환경 소재를 적용하고 에너지 효율을 높이고 있으며, 사업장에서 발생하는 폐기물을 줄이고, 폐가전에서 추출한 플라스틱을 제품에 적용함으로써 친환경 사이클을 구축했습니다.
2) 누구에게나 편리한 제품과 서비스를 향한 노력

LG 월드프리미어를 라이브스트리밍으로 방송으로 함께하신 분들은 혹시 눈치채셨을까요? 라이브스트리밍 내내 화면의 우측하단에 실시간 수어통역화면이 함께 송출되었다는 사실!
모두가 함께 하는 포용적인 사회를 꿈꾼 적 있나요? LG전자는 장애인을 포함한 누구나 제품과 서비스를 편리하게 이용할 수 있도록 접근성 향상 활동을 계속해 왔는데요. 한국에서는 여러 유형의 장애인과 접근성 전문가로 구성된 장애인 자문단을 운영해 정기적인 제품 접근성 평가를 진행, 그들의 의견을 반영하고 있죠. 북미 지역에서도 매년 접근성 자문 회의를 개최하고 제품 적용 방안에 대해 논의하고 있습니다.

또, 지난 11년간 ‘글로벌 IT 챌린지(GITC)’를 개최해 전 세계 장애 청소년들의 정보격차를 해소하고 정보 활용 능력을 높여 취업, 진학 등 사회 진출을 지원하고 있습니다.
지금까지 LG전자가 고객 삶에 미소를 선사하고자 노력한 F.U.N경험 사례들과 F.U.N경험을 더욱 확장하기 위한 발걸음, 글로벌 기업시민으로서 모두의 더 나은 삶을 위한 동행의 약속 등을 알아보았는데요. 보다 넓은 영역에 걸쳐 기술로써 고객의 행복한 삶을 만들어줄 LG전자의 2023년 스마트 라이프 솔루션들에 대해 하나씩 살펴보겠습니다.
[CES 2023] 2023년에도 혁신과 F.U.N 경험을 이어갈 신제품과 스마트라이프 솔루션 보러가기
Opening l CEO
Good morning, everyone. WELCOME to the LG WORLD PREMIERE!
wow It’s great to be back in Las Vegas. Special thanks to all of you
who made it here in person and a big ‘hello’ to everyone around the world tuning in to the live stream.
Now, we all have been through a lot over the past three years
but here at LG we’ve been able to carry on because
we’ve got a mission to keep smiles on the faces of those who
we serve our customers those difficult times, in fact allowed us
to reaffirm our belief that the answer is always with our
customers. As long as all our Innovations start and
end with them, we can keep the world smiling.
So when we say “Life’s good” it’s an EARNEST promise to our
customers, that we’ll deliver a TRULY BETTER LIFE.
Let me share just a few of many ‘better life’ examples we have brought to the world
Take LG OLED TV when we first introduced OLED
it was something NO ONE could have imagined before, but it changed our viewing experiences
for good. And today, we are celebrating THE 10TH
and looking ahead to another 10 years of making everyone’s life better.
Another example is in the home appliance space where LG has led countless
innovations With LG MoodUP, we are creating yet another
new product category you can customize to your OWN LIFESTYLE.
we are also moving beyond home to new domains, like Mobility.
after TEN years of sustained investment, our Vehicle Solutions business is now ON
Here, we’ll continue to draw on our deep consumer insights to strengthen our
unique Edge in the Electric Vehicle sector. So, how do we get such a relentless drive
for Innovations? That’s because, at LG,
we’re a group of brave optimists, who genuinely believe
that for ANY challenging we Face, we will ALWAYS find a way with our customers.
Which is how every product and solution we create is designed, and engineered and
assembled with optimism to make a difference in your life.
With that firm belief, our Innovation extends to an EVEN more
diverse range of smart Life Solutions. So you can enjoy seamless experiences
that are ‘First’, ‘Unique’ and ‘New’
across ALL product offerings with LG LG ThinQ.
in addition, we are so excited about the launch of LG Labs
where we are fostering our OWN squads that we call CUSTOMER VALUE CREATORS.
These people will explore many uncharted territories with BRILLIANT and
EXPERIMENTAL ideas. Now let me talk about the latest
addition to our business portfolio. With increasing investment in core
technologies, we are expanding into many other domains.
These include EV charging, digital health and content services
with our always-evolving webOS platform.
However, no ONE company, even LG can do everything on its own.
So, we are proactively pursuing collaborations with the strategic partners around the world.
At LG NOVA, our North American Innovation Center, we are partnering with
entrepreneurs in a variety of fields. we have also worked closely with global
leaders from a wide range of Industries, especially the content industry.
And here today, I’d like to introduce to you one of our most valued Partners in this
exciting field. Let me introduce Tom Ryan, President
and CEO of Paramount Streaming.
Thank you, William. As one of the world’s leading producers
of premium content that connects billions of people in nearly every country in the world, we are leaning into
our partnership with LG. Paramount Global and LG Electronics have
a long-standing partnership Both companies are respected global market leaders And the combination of Paramount content
and LG scale delivers an incredible experience to [tens of] millions of
consumers worldwide. That’s why we are growing our partnership to accelerate Paramount’s
international streaming growth. Pluto TV, the leading free streaming
television service, is expanding our channel integration for LG Channels, adding over 100 channels this quarter
globally. Pluto TV is proud to be the largest content provider for LG Channels.
And today I’m excited to announce that Paramount+ is ready to start its
global expansion on LG Smart TVs, with the first launch to start on today in the
UK and Ireland. Paramount+ will be available in more countries on LG Smart TVs soon to follow
in the coming days. Thank you William, for your partnership. and we look forward to growing together
in 2023 and beyond.
Thank you
Thank you thank you
Thank you, Tom. Now as a responsible corporate citizen, we
are strongly committed to using technology to bring more smiles,
and to help people tackle the WORLD’S MOST PRESSING ISSUES.
As a part of our global mission to create ‘A Better Life for All’, we launched the LG Life’s Good Award
Program to recognize and support our fellow warm-hearted innovators.
We asked for ideas that will make life better for People AND for the planet.
A total of 334 teams from 61 Nations have responded
and today, what my deepest thanks to each of them, I am thrilled to present four
finalists whose incredible Innovations, show what we mean by Life’s Good.
Alone, we can do so little, Together, we can change the world.
Countless souls are working to find solutions to make a better life for all and for our planet.
We want to recognize four teams in our Life’s Good Award.
Solutum may have the solution for green earth. They want to sustain the convenience of
plastic while eliminating the waste Their bioplastic dissolves and degrades in water leaving almost no trace behind.
I want to eliminate plastic waste for good.
Dot Inc. dreams of an equal world. they believed the visually impaired have
the right to see what we see. their portable device, 20 times smaller
and 10 times lighter than legacy devices, gives the visually impaired unprecedented access to visual
information, anytime and anywhere.
people who are obsessed with plastic They want to completely change our perception of plastic.
Their plastic alternative is fabricated from natural materials and it will return to Nature after its life as a
product. Let’s begin day one of a world without plastics.
NONA Technologies has a new take on desalination. They want to provide fresh
water on demand for all. their portable device can make seawater drinkable. We hope to make a difference
for the people in the harshest environments. For our planet and our people
Life’s Good Award
Thanks and congratulations once again to all four finalist teams.
Now for a look at LG’s own efforts at building a better life for
all, here from LG Electronics USA is Jeannie L
ESG : Better Life Plan 2030
Thank you, Mr. Cho. At CES 2023, the Consumer Technology
Association is spotlighting how technology helps people tackle the world’s most
pressing problems Tech for Good, in support of the United Nations efforts
to advance human security for all. Or as we say at LG, A Better Life for All.
In fact, putting people and the planet first is at the heart of the new BETTER
LIFE PLAN 2030, LG’s global framework for ESG
Environmental, Social and Governance. It defines core ESG tasks and a roadmap
for ESG-led management. First and foremost, LG is leading the way
in environmental sustainability and climate action.
In our production process, LG aims to use 600,000 tons of recycled
plastics by 2030. Over the next 7 years
LG plans to collect and responsibly recycle another 4.5 million tons of
e-waste, for a total of 8 million tons by 2030.
As LG pursues carbon neutrality by 2030, we expect to reduce carbon emissions by
20% in our 7 major product categories through energy efficiency.
And by 2050, LG plans to complete the transition to renewable energy around
the world, led by operations in the United States, which have already
achieved this goal. As LG supports a more diverse and
inclusive society, we strive to develop products that are accessible to all
Our goal is to eliminate barriers at every stage of the consumer experience.
for example, we’re adding voice guidance to more products to provide visually
impaired customers with easy-to-follow verbal instructions for more accessible
features and functions. we’re also developing a sign language
engine to support product use and content viewing for hearing-impaired customers.
We are fully embracing the invaluable feedback we receive about our products
and solutions from our consumers, to improve usability and performance and
make sure they are accessible to everyone. And we’d like to thank our Accessibility
Advisory Council members, who have been a great source of guidance and inspiration
through all these Endeavors to design better life for all solutions.
Beyond our products and services, LG has been a proud supporter of the global IT
Challenge for Youth with Disabilities since 2011. This program has empowered
more than 4 000 young people from around the world.
Looking ahead, LG will continue to develop more accessible technologies,
pursue 100% renewable energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and
drive market transformation through our innovations. In 2023 and beyond, LG’s ESG Journey will
continue to push forward with the relentless pursuit of a Better Life for
All! Thank you
OLED M3, OLED UltraGear, OLED Flex
In one decade, the story of LG OLED went from wonder To Joy, connecting with millions of
people worldwide, and helping create memories for everyone. But we’re not here
to talk about the past! And while OLED TVs deliver outstanding viewing
experiences, we have been working hard to envision the changing role the big
screen plays in your living room. Let’s take a look.
People are all unique. Each has their own idea of a beautiful
screen. we have so many image settings.
Not 85. But, 85 Million! Considering the world’s population, we’ve only just begun.
We change the way of watching. Klimt’s painting in a split second, right before
your eyes, and into metaverse for the concert can’t be missed We even
transform our shape. For livestream? Your screen moves. For an immersive game? Your
screen curves. For the great view behind the screen? Your screen turns transparent.
To make you feel Life’s Good, LG screen makes it just fit for you every moment.
LG screens are also fit for everyone with your adventures experiences and
challenges and even for our precious Planet through LG screen you can
practice dancing your mom does a yoga and your grandpa walks on snow without
his boots. because he walked through LG OLED
when we talk about everyone we mean everyone for people not comfortable with
small size letters or loud noises especially for our planet LG screens are
developed produced used and disposed of and waste mindful for our environment
to make everyone feel Life’s Good. LG screening makes it fit for everybody
sync to you open to all LG screen
so…are you curious to know what’s new this year? Which technologies we have to
surprise you with? A screen.
A device. No hidden cables in between.
LG’s first OLED TV with wireless transmission.
Hey, Punita. Let me introduce you to my friend and artist,
Punita Bajaj. I’ve invited her to help this morning. Thank you so much for inviting me thank you for having me it’s
such an honor to be part of this incredible unveiling you know. We’re so proud to introduce this 97-inch
OLED TV, it’s the world’s first consumer TV to offer 4K 120Hz video and audio
transmitted wirelessly through this Zero Connect box. This box houses all the
circuitry so it can send sound and picture signals to the TV wirelessly
yeah it is pretty incredible and it’s also seemingly easy to use and install.
Yes give it a shot all you have to do is take your USB thumb drive stick it into
the back and you can see there are no cables at all and it’s seamless we simply go into the menu system,
and then we’ll have a look at your artwork that you’ve been working on oh wow Oh my goodness I don’t think I’ve ever
seen my art on a screen like this and with so many people to admire it. wow
that’s amazing You know what’s amazing right now is that from a lifestyle perspective we’re
doing a lot and so from StandbyME or which you can take anywhere in your home
to the OLED Objet Collection series, which complements your interior.
That’s right well there’s a lot of exciting things to look forward to as well
Now with this transparent screen oh sorry my apologies now of course that
is an incredible television but what in terms of the future of our lifestyle screens this year’s CES Award winner
OLED T. With its transparent screen is direction of where we’re going it will
give you new viewing experiences such as a virtual aquarium, a soothing
rainfall or anything an artist like you can imagine. And when you slide up
the screen and take full advantage of an OLED experience. Yeah you know Frank, I
must confess I got a sneak peek at what LG and Moooi prepared at the show. And it’s something straight out of a
magic show even for Vegas it’s beyond what you would expect from a TV. And while this standout screen is sure to
help bolster LG’s growing reputation… …understanding gamers’ needs has been the
driving force that let LG to deliver the ultimate viewing experience through
its OLED screens. And as we all know OLED Flex has the capabilities and
street credentials as the ultimate TV for gaming. At 42-inches
it’s perfect for the desktop with its 40W surround Dolby Atmos speakers, Plus,
you can resize the from 42 to 32 to 27 inches. So you can really get a
sense of LG’s Vision to deliver a personalized experience with the OLED Flex. With these 20 different levels of
curvature you can get the best gaming experience for the games that you really love and if gaming wasn’t addictive
enough this will upgrade and up upscale the whole experience so you can’t get
out of the couch. Trust me I’ve tried even if it’s just binge watching for the movie Nights you can just use it as a
flat screen. That’s awesome. Right. so uh looking over here again it’s something
that you would never imagine with just a TV! Starting this year, LG TVs
will be one of the first to support NVIDIA GeForce NOW at 4K resolution. The
powerful combination of GeForce NOW and LG OLED TV delivers immersive gaming at
its finest. That’s right and also this year Gamers will be able to access Amazon Luna amongst so many other gaming
platforms directly from LG TVs, too. But again looking here is this the new 240Hz
OLED monitor it is. And it’s blazing fast with the world’s first 240Hz
OLED panel, a record-breaking 0.03ms response time and
800R curvature, This ground-breaking monitor is designed for the ultimate
immersive gaming. Wow that is all you want as a PC gamer,
with 45 inches, 21:9 aspect ratio
and that borderless curved design.… And to make this all
possible, LG is leveraging its tech leadership and continuous customer experience innovation. But let’s
take a look frst at the technology driving our 2023 TVs.. as a leader in OLED TV,
LG continues to invest in OLED technologies for ultimate performance. Now LG’s OLED Evo, the most
advanced OLED TVs you can buy, has gotten even better, thanks to the new α9
AI Processor Gen6 and a series of
picture algorithm improvements. The result is a viewing experience so immersive you’ll feel like you’ve been
transported directly into whatever content you’re watching. Now another advancement for
this year’s models is the improved Bright Booster Max, a feature that
will make LG OLED Evo G Series TVs up to 70% brighter than conventional OLED TVs.
Well Frank, I noticed that there is a new approach to the Home screen on LG TVs,
offering quick access to those mostly used apps and services via the
newly launched Quick Cards. So now you can access not only your favorite games,
but also sports, music or connectivity apps
from the dedicated cards, on top of being able to access your personal profile in
the home screen. LG’s web OS platform thanks to the new UI makes it
easier to access ThinQ and Matter compatible smart devices via Home Hub and directly connect with them. And
with the AI concierge feature, LG TVs can make recommendations based on your past inquiries, what is
trending or quick ways to enhance your viewing experience of the preferred content. That’s so convenient And we all
know that LG TVs already come with fantastic picture presets, but you know
some of us we want to add a little twist. To it so for those of us that do we’ve added AI Picture Wizard, which uses your
preferences to determine the picture settings that you would like the most. And customers can pick up their go to service
and fully enjoy the latest movie or TV series including award-winning original
shows and much more… But speaking of the latest Series… Today we’ve collaborated with
Apple to share a sneak peek of the new season of their hit series Foundation,
launching globally on Apple Apple TV+ this summer. Let’s take a look
There is a new crisis.
Right on our doorstep. If there is war,
we will win.
And in the US, with LG channels, you can enjoy exclusive channels and series for free,
on your LG TV, such as the Dave Chang cooking show or
to NCAA’s most intense collegiate rivalries. And there’s so much more for any taste.
Also, in US, you can conveniently enjoy LG channels from your
phone as well. But We believe that a TV should be able to do more than stream content. And with your LG TV… it’s
all here : From [Xponential] the world’s largest fitness group and [Les Mills] a leader in group fitness… to [MaxPro] being able to connect a fitness
machine to the TV, or [Excercite] a motion sensor that recognizes your
body’s posture. It’s all here to help YOUR performance and needs. and
if you are eager to acquire skills and knowledge, the MasterClass app on LG
TVs will offer access to over 180 classes taught by the world’s best
instructors. And thanks to a new partnership with ADT, LG TV owners can
benefit from a host of integrated Services developed exclusively for webOS
to help you protect what matters most. This includes an emergency call function
that can be accessed directly from the remote and much more. Be it [DASVERSE], a virtual
art museum to enjoy creative work, or [SANSAR], the world first TV
metaverse service, so you can participate in life events in both realities and [OORBIT] even the ability to
access interconnected digital worlds! right on your TV that’s right but speaking of
which if you are also an NFT Enthusiast, LG has got you covered with its own LG
Art Lab platform, which has been revamped for a seamless experience. LG Art Lab newly
supports BladeWallet powered by Hedera Network, which delivers simple and secure
transactions. LG OLED TV can now be your digital canvas, where art is best
displayed and enjoyed. Let’s see what else LG has in store?
Hello [Music]
LG ThinQ
With our creed Life’s Good, we are committed to creating a better life
through innovation. LG ThinQ, a smart platform that connects your home,
continues to help you live a more convenient, and a more comfortable life.
Based on our strategy of evolution, connection and openness, ThinQ helps
you enjoy your connected home and a truly intelligent way to live.
Relaunched in November, LG ThinQ Care is a proactive service that sends you
alerts to keep your appliances running optimally. And now we are introducing a
new benefit an upgradable option that allows products to deliver personalized
performance to suit each customer’s lifestyle LG ThinQ UP.
Thank you
Your choice of the latest Innovations so they fit around your lifestyle Ever
changing, ever-improving so it always feels like new Even better than new because it learns
how you like things Now use your “LG ThinQ UP”
for your personalized updates to unlock brand new potential for your
appliances so they can do more, better and get
smarter all the time LG ThinQ UP, a true companion on
your life’s journey into the future LG ThinQ UP
Created with the concept of “Evolving with You”, LG’s ThinQ UP gets smarter
everyday thanks to these three abilities: Feel always like New Fit Around Your
Lifestyle and Lead to easier convenient days… You can add new features to your
products to suit your changing needs and preferences. Say you’ve just brought home a new pet, a new
member of your family. Now you can download a pet care cycle for the washing machine that will keep all of your clothes fur-free
and fresh smelling. if you’re a late-night snacker, but can’t
stand the bright light when you open the refrigerator, simply adjust the brightness level using the LG ThinQ app.
And starting in 2023, LG’s ThinQ UP will be available in overseas markets,
starting here, in the United States. Now, many of you may be curious how
these Innovations will change your everyday life. So, we’ve followed four different families
and their life with LG ThinQ UP . Let’s take a closer look.
we are four real families from four different places.
we’ve got very busy lives. With the help of LG ThinQ UP we’re ready to step up! we’re
ready to clean up we’re building our dream home in the
country but we have to learn how to balance our busy lives in the city with the task of building a home from scratch
on the weekends. Living two lives means double the workload. we’re a big family and we lead very busy
lives. Our kids are always leaving stuff around the house. I feel like I’m cleaning all day and then they still
find a way to make it messy. We live in Los Angeles in the perfect neighborhood. When we moved here I wanted this to be
our forever home. Yeah but the problem is with the outdated kitchen and all the broken appliances we can’t even enjoy a home-cooked meal. We’re a first-time
parents trying to adjust a whole new way of life. Yeah No sleep, no alone time and no going out with friends. Way more
dishes and endless laundry. Tomorrow starts a new chapter in this house with a new kitchen and LG ThinQ UP.
Oh my gosh! Oh my goodness! When
I first walked into the laundry room I couldn’t believe I was still in the same house.
I need you to make sure that your uniforms together. The dryer says it’s going to be done in five minutes. Oh, nice! I love all the remote
features because I already have my phone in my hand all the time. They’ve got seasonal options too. Oh, cool!
All our appliances are always new because they got updates all the time. Whenever my clothes is done I don’t have
to get up and actually go take it out. The new update will keep it wrinkle-free. Man, I’m super proud of my family and the
changes that have taken place over the last few weeks. They’ve stepped up! I’ve fallen out of love with the place that
was supposed to be our forever home. Now I feel like our house is complete. Not only has LG LG ThinQ UP helped us optimize our
time it’s really improved our life around the house too. So what’s cool is the more features that we update the
more useful these appliances get. But you don’t have to use every update. You use the ones that are appropriate for you.
It’s good! These appliances can’t get outdated. It’s like they’re always new! What I love the most is that these appliances
evolve with us. All the updates make it more customizable for us. It makes it our kitchen, makes it our laundry room. It
makes it more about what we want! Life is looking up!
As we are in an era of individual expression, home appliances should also
be tailored to people’s unique preferences. Is there a way to change the atmosphere
in your home to fit your taste and mood? Thinking from a customer’s point of view, LG took this to Heart.
Meet the paramount of personalized style and Innovation, LG’s Refrigerator
with MoodUP™ mood up offers a new “real-time transition” providing the design, space,
and feeling you want. As ThinQ UP appliances, it also delivers a F.U.N.
experience one that is first, unique and new one that reacts immediately to your mood,
your choice of music or even the weather. with the variety of in the Color
Collection, you can easily change the color for each door with the LG ThinQ app.
The 4-door French Door model allows you to mix and match up to 190,000 different color combinations.
Music Collection allows you to play music to suit your mood and create ambiance while preparing dinner.
Collaborating with the Pantone Color Institute, you can enjoy Viva
Magenta, the Pantone Color of the Year 2023. And of course,
we didn’t forget our core LG refrigerator technology and innovations. With InstaView simply knock twice to see
what’s inside. And With Craft ice, take your entertaining to the next level with
slow, melting round ice cubes for all of your cocktails and beverages.
Now, let’s move from the kitchen to the closet ,
the closet a space that has not only become more organized but much more versatile over the last few years.
To upgrade your closet, we are introducing the LG Styler ShoeCase and
ShoeCare. LG Styler ShoeCase is a new concept storage and display for your favorite
pair of shoes. Proudly showcase that pair in a controlled environment with customized
lighting and a turntable. The second part of this Innovation, is LG Styler ShoeCare.
it uses that same steam technology in our original clothing care system, LG
Styler, on your most loved shoes. It is the ultimate solution to sanitize and
deodorize your shoes inside and out. And of course LG ThinQ allows for
personalization like changing the lighting colors in the ShoeCase. As mentioned previously, we are in an era of
individual expression a desire to personalize your home decor your appliances and even your furniture.
As mentioned previously, we offer a concept that combines an end table with an air
purifier. this product is both practical and design focused it adds mood lighting
and a wireless charger to an air purifier. And then it even allows you to choose
and combine your various colors and Design it works anywhere in your house in your
bedroom next to the bed in the living room next to the couch. And on top of all of that Aero Furniture is made of
recycled plastic from old appliances just one of our many efforts to preserve resources protect the environment and
help create a better future. Now
the question has always been, how can appliances evolve to meet the
ever-changing consumer. a renowned creative director Jeff Staple gives his two cents on this topic.
Hey what’s up my name is Jeff Staple. I’m the founder and creative director of staple design and you are here inside my
New York City design office. As a creative director, when I’m styling my own space, it’s important to me that the
space is inspiring. And if you look at my office, you’ll see that it’s filled with figures, sneakers, art books. All the
things that I love and that are inspiring to me. Even aamong so many things though there is an order to this
chaos the same goes from when I pick out my objects. Design and performance is everything. How will LG and its
sophisticated design fit into your lifestyle? Come visit the Creator’s room, and I’ll see you at LG CES booth!
Life’s Good with Cars
Thank you Good morning
we love cars but are you happy with the time you spend in your car?
Did you know, on average all Americans spend 26.4 minutes commuting?
that’s almost an hour each day, every day.
We could reduce This Time by half. There’s no trick. What I’m proposing is how we spend time
in the car. Let us think of car as a space a living space
and a working space. Our car Journey starts from an origin
and it ends at a destination. And what’s in between is what I would
like to call a timed experience. In a commute we start from home
to your workplace. And we can shorten the time by bringing in home experience and your work
experience into the car. How often have you felt “Did I turn off the stove?”,
“Did I feed the dog?” We can alleviate this departure anxiety by giving you the power to check the
stove and feed the dog at the same time. That would save you from worrying a few
minutes in your commute Let’s see what we can do at the destination
if you can organize your day 10 minutes prior to arriving at your workplace, won’t that save you time?
Adding up all these minutes will give you back half of your commute.
We, at LG Electronics, have the technology and the capabilities
to make this a reality. For the past decade, we have been
developing and delivering what car companies call “head units”
what was a simple radio is now an interactive cockpit computer.
we will continue to improve and innovate this product into high performance
computer to empower the autonomous driving vehicles of the future
We are the top supplier of telematics, or telecommunications modules.
Our telemedics modules made lifesaving emergency calls and roadside assistance
calls. We take safety seriously… And we understand what it means to build,
manufacture and deliver to to the automotive standards.
During the difficult pandemic, we delivered beautifully shaped OLED
displays in the luxury production vehicles. From designing the display that fits
seamlessly into the luxurious interior to inventing new materials to enable
vibrant color. The luxury car companies and LG had
to overcome many technical challenges with Innovations. In addition
we developed camera and sensor technology that understands what people
are doing in the cars. Putting all of this together into a
seamless experience, we are building mobility service platform that
UNDERSTANDS, PREDICTS and CURATES what people need in the car.
Drivers need to be in control, and keep themselves and their loved ones safe
from any harm. We, the LG Electronics, make “Life’s Good
with car.” We will continue to explore new ways of doing things in cars,
in homes and in workplaces. Through our partnership with the car
companies and Mobility service providers we will innovate beyond the current technology and invest into the better
future for all people Thank you for spending a few minutes with me.
And now allow me to bring William, our CEO, back on the stage. Thank you
Closing l CEO
Thank you, Gene. that’s EXACTLY what we are all about
Innovation NOT for its own sake, but for truly better life,
bringing smiles to our customers. YES, that smile in our logo isn’t there by
accident. And some of you may have noticed, our visual has gone even more lively,